Monday, December 3, 2018

November 26, 2018 - Thanksgiving Dinner & Pumpkin Pie!

Ok I have a TON to talk about this week, but I think I have time today.

So first of all, we traveled quite a bit this week. Last Monday we were in Vitória, Tuesday we had district meeting in São Mateus, like always, and then Thursday we were in Aracruz for exchanges. I spent the day with Sister Pagassini, from São Paulo, who is still in her second month on the mission, but who is absolutely awesome! She reminds me SO MUCH of Sister Rodrigues (the sister I trained), probably because she's from São Paulo, but also a little bit of me. We had a super awesome fun productive day, and then at night we did a little Thanksgiving Dinner! Mostly because there was another Americana in the house. We made homemade mashed potatoes, bought lunch meat turkey, and I made improvised gravy with boullion (still don't know how you spell that) flour, and mineral water. I have absolutely no idea how you actually make gravy, but hey it was good! And anyways, we put it all on bread and ate it like those thanksgiving leftover sandwiches that used to be part of dinner group. (Except without stuffing cause nobody likes it anyway). Everyone loved it!!
And then as you'll see in the video, a super nice amazing neighbor that's familiar with the US made pumpkin pie for me!!!!!! THAT made my day!! and also Sister Riquelme's, because it was her birthday. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera to Aracruz, and the birthday surprise pictures are on someone else's camera, but yeah Friday night we ordered pizza, bought guaraná soda, watermelon, and balloons, and were given açaí, which we ate with the leftover pie (the first half was our breakfast) so it was a pretty awesome night!
Oh, and that was the third fancy dinner in a row, cause Wednesday night we were invited to a last-minute birthday party for Vanessa (we brought cookies and she LOVED them!) so we ate about a ton of farofa and churrasco.
Ok I promise we worked a lot too (haha). On the days that we were here in Linhares, we found a TON of awesome people to teach. Here's a quick summary:
Geiciele, with her two kids Maria Clara and José. Didn't make it to church yesterday, but are super awesome, and preparing to be baptized.
Douglas, 15-year-old with a special needs sister that plays with us as we teach, and also a girlfriend in the hospital, and needs a little bit of God's love in his life.
Joyce, friend of a member that already went to church twice. It seems like she's had a rough life, but she (and her parents) are in the midst of getting it all put together. She also has an adorable little sister, and absolutely loved the first lesson. She participates in everything, and just has this thirst to learn. Hasn't accepted a baptismal date yet, but I'm sure she will :)
And then there's Maria das Neves, and her family. We were knocking doors (ok,  clapping is more accurate) and this old lady with a cigarette in hand comes to the window. I honestly didn't think she's be at all receptive, but it's a really good thing that I have an awesome companion!! Because seriously, I've never met anyone so so ready to hear about the Restoration. Basically, we found her on Friday, and by Saturday she had already prayed, gotten an answer, accepted (very firmly) a baptismal date, and is crazy excited about the goals we made with her to quit smoking and drinking coffee! And we're also teaching her granddaughter and great-granddaughter, who are also awesome.
Just to let you all know, Genivaldo was not baptized (yet) because he ran off to Vitória to visit his girlfriend. He gets back today, so next week, I hope to have happier news!
But anyways, in summary, the Lord has blessed us SO SO much, and I hope to be able to be a part of His work in these awesome people's lives for just a little bit longer!!
This week is zone conference and then next week is transfers, and then we start all of the christmas stuff, so the next month should be awesome too!
-Sister Kirkham, with love

November 19, 2018 - Just Plain HOT

This week was pretty full! We're working tons with this one Family, and doing splits and travelling as usual. Sorry I'm on late again! I'm in Vitória for yet another doctors appointment. Funny stuff happens on the mission, especially to my companion (haha). But this week was just a follow-up/check-up for this crazy eye infection she had like a month ago. But anyways! this week it decided to be summer. Just plain HOT. My comp and I were reminded of the old days when we came home every day drenched in sweat, and then woke up that way too, no matter how many showers we took or fans that we plugged in. It's just hot! But anyways, we're using plenty of sunscreen and drinking lots of water, so we'll survive.
Just a funny/cool experience from this week: my comp and I were studying this really cool talk one day (in Subway, prepping for splits the next day and enjoying a little bit of american food) that honestly didn't have anything to do with this, but we decided we wanted to help people come back to church. 5 minutes after we made and wrote down our goal, this Young man comes up to us saying that he's a member, but doesn't go all that often. Weird, right? Well that was the first of 5 that day! All you have to do is express a righteous desire (in the spirit of prayer) and the Lord makes it possible! Reminds me of Nephi, in the book of Helaman (I think), whom the Lord promised that whatever he asked of the Lord would happen.
This week we focused a lot on this Family that we're teaching, including some really creative lessons, and a Family night or two. Their names are Daniela (the mom, who is not legally married and has a complicated situation with her boyfriend that she doesn't even like), Genivaldo (15, is progressing toward baptism), Elizabete (13) Carlos Daniel (11) and Ellison (2) who finally started to like us this week!
Things in the branch are a little difficult, but things at "home" are awesome. We spent the whole week eating the leftover açaí from last week, plus 2 potes of ice cream that someone gave us. And planning really creative activities and what not.
This week we did splits here in Linhares with Sister Parente and Sister Olsen. Sister Olsen and Sister Farias had an amazingly productive day in the neighborhood where we usually work, and Sister Parente and I went after some really awesome people in a other neighborhood (a little farther away) that we found when we were together (like over a month ago) but that we hadn't managed to come back and teach.
Ok I'm really out of time, sorry! Hope and pray that next week will be better! Love you all tons!!!
-Sister Kirkham

November 12, 2018 - Sorry, no time to write today...

Ok I love you all, but I don't have time to write an email today. I'm on late because of our super p-day today, and then I spent 45 mins writing a letter to Pres because we had 2 exchanges this week, and one of them was a bit complicated. And then I had to fill out and send a form, and now I have a survey to do, and only 15 mins to do it.
But anyways, this week was pretty full, with 2 exchanges, like I said, one here and one in Bahia, some awesome people/families that we're teaching (some of which came to church! and members brought friends!), organizing everything for the activity today, and just the general day to day stuff. Oh, and it rained a LOT. I've decided I'm going to buy galoshes. (No idea how to spell that).
If you could all pray for Genivaldo (he's progressing toward baptism this week) that would be awesome. Talk to you all more later!
-Sister Kirkham