Monday, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018 - More of Linhares...

We discovered a lot more of Linhares this week, including a bunch of mysteriously dead vultures, lakes that aren't full of plants, LOTS of cool wildlife (herons, storks, seagulls, weird duck/bird combinations, and maybe a very large rat), and lots of people of other religions that usually don't like us, but that we ended up teaching. For example, Friday night we knocked on the door of a Seventh-day Adventist family, and they let us in, and we shared a short message. The old grandmother went off in a hilarious rant about the sabbath being on Saturday and people not reading the bible when we were in the middle of explaining Jesus's baptism, which was a little confusing, and then she made her granddaughter change into a skirt before saying the closing prayer, which was a little funny, but then in the middle of her prayer we were like "OH! Their sabbath starts Friday at sundown!" So then it all made a little more sense. We were pretty embarrassed to not have recognized, but at least I don't think we were interrupting or anything. And then that same night, we were sharing a message with a woman that's a member of this other popular church that was created here in ES and her (drunk) catholic husband comes over and starts very slowly and calmly ranting quite extensively about how most Christians don't accept his baptism but he doesn't need another one. And then he compared all the different christian denominations to types of beer ðŸ˜‚😂 We laughed about that one for quite a while.
Ok, in serious news, we are teaching this really cool 19-year-old named Breno. He's progressing really well, and is friends with a girl in the ward, so that's going to be a huge help. (Also, they would make a really cute couple, just saying...). He's super smart and understands everything really well, but he wasn't feeling so well yesterday so he didn't go to church. But he will!! Everyone please pray that he can recognize the spirit answering his prayer, and that he will accept a baptismal date! (We invite him every time and he says "yes I will definitely be baptized, but not right this minute").
Also, pray that we can manage to find and teach Lorena. She's also really awesome, but work as a nanny and doesn't have a cell phone, so it makes it really hard to contact her!
We honestly didn't have all that productive of a week, since we were focusing on taking care of the sisters that we're responsible for, but this week should be much better! Love you all!
-Sister Kirkham

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