Monday, March 18, 2019

December 3, 2018 - Cool Zone Conference and a Blister on my Eye!

First of all, happy birthday Mom!! I spent the whole day "hey, it's my mom's birthday today!" Hope you had a birthday dinner or something!
Also, I'm sending you all a funny video, but it's in Portuguese. (Mostly). Spencer said he could translate it, but I think you'll all get the point anyways. And I was going to send you my journal pages with a couple of cool things that happened towards the beginning of the week, but with all the crazy stuff going on, I ended up forgetting to take pictures!
This week was zone conference! So at the moment, my release date is April 9th, but the transfer schedule isn't set in stone yet. Other than that, we talked a ton about Armageddon, the coligation of Israel, and the millenium. Cool stuff!  Ummm and we had some cool trainings about being missionaries too.
The biggest thing that happened this week work-wise (besides the stuff in my journal pages) is that Leiliane came to church! Everyone else cancelled last-minute, unfortunately, but she came and she loved it! And she's also adorable. So young and innocent, but has a strong personality, and it was fun to see her come out of her shell a bit! Genivaldo should have gotten home last night, so we'll see.
Because mission life can't ever be simple, I woke up on Saturday with basically a little blister on my left pupil. Weird, and also super painful. We walked around downtown that morning, trying to get help without going to the hospital/urgent care, and with lots of prayers, the blister went away all on its own! My eye kept on bothering me the rest of the day, especially in the sun (will probably buy sunglasses today) so I had to spend the day inside (until about 5pm when I gave up and left anyway. Didn't go over so well) and then ended up in the hospital anyway, except he said it didn't look infected, so he didn't do anything. Buuuut yeah, now it's looking infected. But I'll be in Vitória again this week, so we'll get it figured out.
And I am super out of time, but the last thing is transfers! I will be staying in Linhares, with Sister Nascimento, and minha querida companheira (eu queria tanto ficar com ela para Natal!) is going off to the Bahia to finish her mission in peace.
Ok that's it for now! Love you all! Até mais :)
Sister Kirkham

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