Monday, March 18, 2019

January 14, 2019 - Fridge-less and Getting Transferred

OK so this week was pretty crazy! First, I went to the podologa last p-day, and she cut all the parts of my nails that were causing problems. Real fun stuff. I went back on Thursday, and then I have to go back today as well, but my fingers are much, much better. I can acutally type today! Oh but also, last p-day they took our fridge away to fix it, so we are fridgeless. It's awesome haha. President and Sister were kind enough to bring up a water-thingy that chills water, so that helps a bit. Other than that, we're just being really creative. Today I made pancakes with little juice-box-type chocolate milks that we've been buying in rather large quantities because they don't need to be refrigerated.
Tuesday was district meeting, and then we ate Almoço on the bus (our ZL made it, and it was SUPER good!) on our way to Vitória. Also, Tuesday morning we brought chocolates and cookies and a hand-made card and missionary pamphlets to the guys that work at the bus station and our really patient with the thousands of passes we are always printing out and switching around. Yesterday we went back there, and they were all talking about how much they loved it. Except it was sad because the one worker that we really wanted to have some didn't ended up getting any! Also, he cried when he found out I was being transferred! Literally cried!!
Wednesday was leadership council, and it was AWESOME and also hilarious. I may or may not have made a joke that made president say he was going to email mom. But it was a nice joke, don't worry.
This week we did exchanges with Sister Farias and her companion. Probably the last time I will work with her! And then we also visited several members, including one that we'd hardly met before because she was embarrassed about her smallish house, and also Isaac, who is needing lots of prayers please!!!! At least I know that Sister Parente will take care of him.
And, well, the last thing is transfers! President let a LOT of things slip, as usual, but then he didn't do anything that he said he would! We were all shocked. But in the end, the results are:
I am being transfered to Jardim da Penha, in Vitória, which is President and Sister Mazzagardi's ward, and basically the center of the mission. My companion will be Sister Todd, who is a newer sister that I have known and worked with from the beginning. She's from somewhere in Utah, but I never remember where. Sister Parente will be coming back to Linhares in my place! I'm excited for a new area, but sad to leave Linhares, and not super thrilled about living with other sisters (Jardim da Penha has had only one companionship for a really long time, but now President put in two more) or returning to the big city, but if it had to be anywhere, I guess Jardim da Penha would be the best choice. And I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes!
Love you all!
Tchau :)
-Sister Kirkham

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