Monday, March 18, 2019

January 7, 2019 - Creative Fingering on the Piano

Ok do you want the happy news or the sad news? The happy news is that my fingers are much better!! The one on my right hand is no longer swollen nor infected!! Buuut unfortunately it's still ingrown, and very ugly and sensitive. I am trying to get them taken care of today! But unfortunately, many doctors are on leave this time of year. There is a podologa (not sure how to spell that in english or portuguese, but it's a doctor that normally works with feet and also ingrown nails) that is a friend of a member that might be able to help, but it basically depends on how much it will hurt, because she's not in the office and doesn't have access to anesthetics. But I'm sure we'll get it figured out! Ooh and I even played piano for sacrament meeting. Sister Roy, I am proud to tell you that my talent for creative and non-conventional fingering techniques came very much in handy! I managed to play almost the full accompaniment almost without using the fourth finger on my left hand or the third finger on my right hand ðŸ˜‚😂
In even happier news, we had an incredibly productive week! Including a fun day of exchanges with Sister Parente and Sister Olson. And one of our miracles is the woman in the pictures I sent, whose name is Vanessa. She moved her recently, but left her children/family in another state, so she's pretty lonely, and also looking for a new church. She showed up at church all on her own yesterday, was very very well recieved, participated in sunday school (she even got given her very own manual) and then went to Almoço with us afterward. And basically, she's awesome. I'd tell you about more awesome people, but unfortunately I don't have much time!
Mom, dad, Spencer, and Sister Roy--have you been to the temple recently?? Everyone is letting stuff slip on the internet about all the changes! I LOVED the official declaration that the first presidency sent out! (and then we read all of the rest of the articles on the LDS newsroom, and there is tons of cool stuff!) But I have 3 more months before I get to find out about everything!! ahhhhhhh. Anyways, take your vitamins because the restoration continues.
Ok gotta go. We gotta go meet a member (an RM who's kind of annoying but does his best to occasionally support the obra missionária ðŸ˜‚) to buy new shoes for my companion because he broke hers yesterday. Yeah, if I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it either. And then he went home and told his mom that my comp was turning into Cinderella--losing shoes and everything! hhahhah. Boys are terrible.
But anyways, have an awesome week! Love you all tons! :)
-Sister Kirkham

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