Thursday, August 30, 2018

April 2, 2018 - General Conference WOW!

Sooo this week wasn't really any better than the last one. Maybe harder. Definitely more frustrating. I was feeling better Tuesday morning, so I went to work after lunch like usual (Tuesday morning was our last District meeting before transfers. Oh yeah it's transfers! But wait, I will get to transfers later) and long story short, it did not go well, and I ended up in Pronto Socorro, which is like Urgent Care. IV's are awful, in case you're all wondering. But anyways, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with me, except that I've been super sick and nauseous all week and also feverish and ridiculously exhausted. So you know, just that. I took another round of anti-parasite medicine, and I think I've been getting better, but I haven't eaten lunch yet today, so we'll see how that goes. But anyway! Happy things. Between the nausea and the fatigue, this week was anything but productive, but it had some good moments.
Splits: This week we did splits with our sister training leaders, Sister Sena and Sister Gauto. I love Sister Gauto (although she was sick too, so she kept pretty quiet) but it was my first time meeting Sister Sena. She was trained by the same sisters as Sister Farias, so they consider themselves sisters (I know, we're all sisters, but they mean in the familial sense, not the missionary sense. Yeah, it's confusing haha). And also, she's absolutely hilarious. Took to me really quickly, although she thought I was super serious at first ahahhaha. But anyway, she's struggled with a LOT of health challenges on her mission, and she really helped me understand that health challenges not only have a part in our plan of happiness, but also that they don't diminish our value as a missionary. Everything I'd been needing :) Literally a Godsend! And a reminder that sometimes the other people we serve with are our biggest missions.
Personal Study: I never understood why people got so hung up on the Isaiah chapters in 2 Nephi--until I started reading the BoM in Portuguese. Now I understand. So anyway, I started jumping around this week, and ended up reading a lot in Alma and Ether. And of course, every single day, I found something I was really really needing. Personal Study really is my favorite part of the day! (Make it yours too!)
Aaaand that brings me to General Conference! Wow. Just wow. Solemn assembly, a new prophet, new "ministering" program, a temple in India and in RUSSIA! Like seriously, did you all hear that? They're going to build a temple in Russia! Ok I'll stop obsessing. Wait. One more thing. One of the new apostles is Brazillian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all have no idea how excited everyone was haha. They've been talking about a Brazillian apostle since I got here, and they got their wish! I mean I know he's foreordained and called of God and all that, but he's also Brasiliero, so we're celebrating. haha ;)
Life can't ever get boring, so on top of new prophets, apostles, temples, and programs, we also have transfers! I haven't actually gotten the transfer yet because they Executive Secretary forgot about me I think (he's pretty busy, so I forgive him) but our very kind (or spoilsport, not sure which) District Leader called us and told us all about it. (Me and my comp are staying, of course). In sad news, Sister Farias (and also our entire district) is getting transfered, BUT she was called as a Sister Training Leader (because she's awesome) AND transferred into our sister district! I have no idea who our new district leader is, or who's coming to live with us, but I know it's likely to be awesome :P
Pascua! Oh, and I can't forget about Easter! Of course the best thing we did to celebrate was listen to the Prophet and apostles, but we also made chocolate eggs with a super awesome member, and also the elders made us some as a goodbye present, and also one of our favorite families gave us two boxes of Garoto, so yeah we have lots of chocolate haha. My favorite :)
We've also taken a TON of pictures this week, which I will get out as soon as Sister Farias gets them to me haha. But it won't be today, because she's in Jardim da Penha saying goodbye to her trainer, who goes home tomorrow. Oh, and I wrote about 6 letters this morning, so I'll send those as soon as my email time ends!
Ok I think that's it! Love you all! Have a great week :) Hopefully I'll have some great teaching stories next week!
-Sister Kirkham

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