Friday, August 31, 2018

May 28, 2018 - Truck Strike!

Got a lot on my mind today, and not a lot of time, but here goes.

Happy Birthday to Daddy! Video to come.

Yes, I did get your emails. I will respond to them in a bit, but I'm gonna focus on this first.

So the craziest thing this week is the semi-truck driver strike. Yup. All of them. In all of Brazil. Nothing new is coming in anywhere. Not mail, not subway sandwich ingredients, not rice and definitely not gasoline. Crazy how much the country depends on a small job like that! But luckily, because the church is cool like that, as soon as the strike started, we were called and told to use our reserve funds (kinda sucks if you didn't have one haha) to buy a whole bunch of food and necessities before the prices went up (which they did). The buses are still working (for now) and the government stepped in on a couple other things, so life isn't stopped or anything, but like the bishop walked to church for the first time in forever yesterday (he says he almost died hahaha) so he has a newfound respect for missionaries :P Not that he didn't before, but it was pretty funny. I'm sure you all have access to way more information than me, but don't worry we're being well taken care of.

This week we took a road trip to a mountain/german community called Marechal Florenes (or something like that). There's a little group of church members there that we now have the opportunity to work with! It's really beautiful there, and it's gonna be a little hard because of the distance, but we're planning on going up once a week, and we're excited to be able to do some good there!

We had an awesomely productive Thursday, because we did splits with our SLT's. Sister Sena was also celebrating 1 year on the mission so the whole day she was like 'look! I just said my first prayer with 1 year on the mission' and stuff like that haha. We also had 7 sisters in the house that night (I was the ONLY one that slept), and we all ate burgers together and then they proceeded to do hair and trade dresses and do nails for...

...Zone Conference (Mission Tour) with Elder Fortunato! Crazily amazingly spiritual and motivational and awesome. I took tons of notes, but I don't remember any of them right now haha.

As far as the work and the people, we're still working with all the same people, plus a few. No one came to church, and we hit a couple of walls we weren't expecting, but we have an awesome plan and a great attitude, so it'll all go well in the end :) Oh but it was Antonio's birthday this week, so we threw a party for him, which was super fun! Also, we attended the YSA FHE yesterday, which was hilarious.

Today we travelled quite a bit, first for a doctors appt, and then to buy fabric because my comp is going home in a month and wants a couple new dresses, which is why I'm on so late.

Love you all, and hope you have a great week!
-Sister Kirkham

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