Friday, August 31, 2018

May 21, 2018 - Fasting Brings Miracles!

It has seriously been a packed week! The summary is that this ward and area and trio are turning out to be awesome, and that fasting brings miracles!

So probably the most exciting thing for me (outside of the mission miracles) is that I got a package!! Sorry family, but it was not yours :( :( told the secretaries that I'm expecting a personal phone call when that one finally gets there! But anyways, after interviews with Pres on Thursday, we had to go to the office (and a couple other places, including a trip to the mall, where we ate imported fast food haha) to do some visa stuff, and I was suprised with a package full of mission books and other goodies from Jacob. Totally made my day :)
Later that night we were also surprised with a house visit from the leadership. THANK HEAVENS we were home (starting weekly planning) AND THEY GOT LOST so we had time to pick up a little bit! Like I promise we cleaned the house on p-day, but by thursday, things get a little iffy. Especially the week after transfers. But anyways, we didn't get fined, so all's well that ends well :P

We are still working very hard with Ana and João Pedro, and had some very major breakthroughs this week, but unfortunately, they went on vacation last minute and didn't go to church :( We need lots and lots of prayers for them!
This week we also started teaching Angelica, the miracle. She's a single (pregnant) mother of 2 boys, and really needing to see God's love in her life. Even in just the few days we've been teaching her, we've been able to see a huge difference in her life, and I really hope and pray that she'll continue to progress!! She also didn't make it to church, but hey, there's always next week.
To top it all off, Railom also didn't go to church, and his phone was turned off, so we don't know why, but he's also been progressing well, and we are working towards baptism this week! I've probably said that before about him, but hey sometimes you just have to be a hopeless optimist haha.
Seriously though, this work is pretty relentless, so the only way to be happy is to keep watering and weeding, and to appreciate the growth and color of the leaves and every new bud that appears, even when all you want to do is smell the flowers. It's been a week of huge growth, personal and in companionship, and in the people we're teaching, and I know I'll never regret the experiences we've been having with these people, even if they never get baptized.

The only other thing is that last night was mission choir practice, and I got last minute asked to play one of the songs, and then ended up having to practically re-write half of it haha. Always super fun ;) but I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate, and to develop my talents. And I'm super excited for this week! We're gonna work in a new area (a group in the middle of nowhere that president is giving us a chance to teach there) and have splits and a whole mission conference with a general authority! And I can't wait to tell you all about it :)

Hope you all have just as awesome of a week as I'm going to have!!
-Sister Kirkham

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