Brazil in the world cup
Wednesday was a Brazil game, and let me tell you, these Brazilians are
crazy! Can't tell you how many time people set up fireworks or smoke
bombs like 5 feet away from us. And we jumped EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I
think we were better entertainment than the fireworks hahahaha. There's
so much screaming and noise making that it's hard to tell what's a goal
and what's not, but about the time the whole sky blue up and this family
decked all out in green and yellow and facepaint and noise makers filed
out of their house screaming and dancing in the middle of the street,
we were pretty sure Brazil won. (They did). The streets had been
absolutely EMPTY during the game (oh except for the kids doing the
fireworks) but right after it ended, we bought popsicles and sat down to
watch the city magically fill up as if nothing had happened. There's a
game today, too, so we'll see how it goes.
Fun stuff in the district
our district is hilarious, in case I didn't tell you last week. We made
a bet with our district leader (about how hard we would work) and won
by a VERY small margin, so he's gonna make us cookies tomorrow ;) Also,
our district is 4 americans (2 companionships) and a dupla of hispanics
(don't know what President was thinking but it works I guess) so we're
planning to have a fourth of july celebration tomorrow too :P
Quadrilha/Festa Junina
Brazil has this tradition called Festa Junina, which is like Fall
Festival (even though it technically should be winter) that doesn't
actually have a date--everyone just celebrates it when they feel like
it. Every school, church, community, everything holds a Quadrilha, which
is like a Brazilian hoedown--everyone dresses up in patchwork and
cowboy hats and does pioneer dances and eats food made of peanuts and
corn and potatoes. The two branches here held a combined one this
Friday, and there was peanut tea, potato soup, corn cake, corn break,
corn cake with filling and frosting, and something that looked like corn
brownies. And then there was this herb tea that I swear (and the other
americans will back me up on this) smells and tastes exactly like fruit
loops! I'm waiting for my comp to send me pictures, and then I'll get
them to you!
Stragest Saturday ever
Saturday here is a little hard, since everyone either goes out to their
ranch, or plays football, or parties/drinks etc. Basically, no one has
time for missionaries. But this Satuday was like beyond strange. We had
doors slammed on us, people hung up the phone, yelled at us, threatened
to call the police, you name it, and the only person that invited us in
was the pastor of this one church that basically wanted to show us off
to his family and be like "hey, this is what our church should do!" so
that was weird... I've literally never felt time pass so slow! At the
end of the night, we finally ended up finding one person to teach, and
then a family that the elders used to visit a lot invited us in and
fought with us until we accepted hot chocolate and bread and crackers
and fruit (all of it. And we were fasting) because they said it was too
dangerous to be out on the street.
Sunday Miracles
a stark contrast to Saturday, Sunday was the day of miracles. Not ONE
of the people we're teaching showed up to church, but six miracles did!
SIX!!!!! All friends of members, and many of which have a ton of
potential. Oh, and then there was barbeque (churrasco) for AlmoƧo, so
that was awesome :)
Ok I gotta go! Sorry for
emailing so early! We're pretty sure everything is going to close for
the game, so we had to make the best of our time.
Love you all! Sending hugs to everyone :)
-Sister Kirkham
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