Friday, August 31, 2018

August 6, 2018 - Travelling is Exhausting

This week wasn't all that exciting. I was either sweating/panting or falling asleep for like all of it. Not sure if I was getting sick or if it was just a side effect of overnight travelling 4 times in the past week and a half. But this week will be better :) And we still worked hard anyways, trying to visit sick members and less actives and all the people that went to church in the past 2 weeks, and all of the people we met in the park that live all across and outside of the city.

Terça-feira I spent in Vitória--feels like I've been away from there for so long!! I was sooooo tempted to take a bus (or 3) over Terceira Ponte for no reason what so ever, but I didn't have time. I got to each lunch with my trainer!!!! And hear all about Cobilândia from her. She spent almost 8 months there! but finally got transferred like 2 areas over. But anyways, that was awesome. Also got to spend time with Sister Levi, my first former comp to go home! (she stayed with us until her taxi to the airport came). In October, 2 more will go, and then my current companion goes home in January, and then--yeah ok we don't need to think that far ahead.

I think I mentioned this last week, but my nova companheira is Sister Creswell, from Utah. I lived with her for the first 3 months of my mission, so it's been fun to think back on a couple of old memories. It's also cool to see how people grow and change--and what things never do :P

Eunice was all set and super prepared to be baptized yesterday, like we had the service planned out, and everyone was informed and prepared (and I yelled at the elders when they unplugged the font on Saturday after their baptism even though I told them not to) and the cake was soooo pretty--and then she didn't show up to church or afterward and her phone isn't working and we knocked on her door and no one answered, so honestly I don't know what happened. I was super nervous all week, and on Saturday during the elder's baptism I asked Heavenly Father for a specific sign that everything would work out for her baptism, and the sign didn't come. So all I can say is that now isn't the time and Heavenly Father must know something that we don't.

The only other interesting things would be our funny (half English) call-ins at night, messing around with our District Leader. Also, we made him and his comp carry a bag of baptism jumpers up 3 hills to our house so we could wash them. Which is fair cause they're the ones that didn't wash them in the first place....

Gotta go cause my time is (already) ending! Love you all!! More next week :)
-Sister Kirkham

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