Thursday, August 30, 2018

April 30, 2018 - Tropical Disease

So it was a pretty interesting week! And by interesting, I really mean long and painful haha, but it had its highlights.

Oh, and a housekeeping notice. I mentioned in my journal page that my package arrived, because that's what my District Leader told me, but I got to the office today and it wasn't there :(((( Buuut I have to go back to the office on Thursday for Visa stuff, so I hope it comes by then!

-So because life has a great sense of humor, I have contracted another lovely tropical disease. ok that's a little dramatic haha. Basically, I had this little rash on my legs that all of a sudden got super bad this week, including swelling up (the sore/puss ball swelled up, not the leg) and turning purple and hurting like crazy on the back of my thigh. Made it seriously hard to walk, and yet harder to sit. When it was little rash, I was taking care of it myself, but when it took a turn for the worse, I (and by "I" I mean my companion hahahah) called Sister Mazzagardi, and long story short, I had to wait until today to have a 5 minute dermatologist appt. Basically, I have a bacterial infection in the skin, which is generally caused by sweat and humidity. Super simple, except now I have to take an antibiotic 4 times a day (which includes waking up at midnight--super thrilled about that) and use an antibiotic ointment (a different one, because I already was using one) twice a day, and shower with antibiotic soap, and use a hot pack 3 times a day on the one that's super swollen. I'm super thrilled, trust me. But anyways, I pretty much gritted my teeth and winced the whole week, cause you know, we have stuff to do, but by Saturday, I could barely keep standing, so we ended up staying home Saturday and sunday night. Yes, I realize that was a lot of pointless details, but whatever haha.

-In good news, this week was also my birthday!! Friday was pretty hard pain-wise, and also just kind of a difficult day in general, but we took a break in the middle for ice cream and strawberries (it's not my bday w/o strawberries!) and then that night we had the baptism interviews for Luis Phelipe and Luis Arthur (they LOVED the elders--go figure) and THEN a couple of families in the ward threw a surprise party for me!!! Sorry I don't have pictures of the party yet, but I promise I will get them! But I did send my journal pages detailing the day. Hope it's legible hahaha.

-Also because life can't be eventful enough, Sister Farias and Sister Sena were emergency transfered back to Cobilândia. They were robbed (like stopped on the street with a gun and lost their mission bags and scriptures and cell phone and everything) on monday night, which was already super crazy and shocking, and then Saturday afternoon, in broad daylight, on the same exact street, a man on a motorcycle started following them, doing very inappropriate things. They got away (my personal opinion is that one of the 3 nephites, or maybe john the revelator came to save them, but I won't go into details) but President was like "yeah no that's not going to work." So literally one week before transfers, they had to pack up and leave--even though they'd already been promised they would be staying for next transfer too, and then our district leader and his comp had to switch areas to take over for them. No one is exactly happy with the move, but at least we're going to have a hilarious last week! Sister Sena really is ridiculous hahaha. I'll try to remember a specific funny story for next week, but right now you'll all just have to take my word for it.

-Aaaand the last thing is baptisms!! my comp should be sending me the pics any minute now, but Luis Phelipe and Luis Arthur were baptized!!! Their grandma (who has custody) and their mom (who has lifestyle issues, but they love her very much) both came!!!! And, because they're actually long-lost members, they found a couple of old friends :) The baptism was stressful, but wonderful, and involved cake, cookies, presents, all of their family, and the baptism/rainbow song in portuguese. I really hope it was special for them, cause it was very special for us :)

We didn't really do much else this week. (oh but we did start practicing English on the street! That was fun haha) Just focused a lot on the boys, and tried not to walk too much because of my leg. But this week will probably be lots and lots better! Thank you all for the birthday wishes! Suuuuuuper excited for skyping on Mother's day!! And nervous about transfers cause everyone tells me I'm gonna leave :/
Lots and lots of love, all the way from Brazil!
-Sister Kirkham

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